Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Second Part of Friday Pipeline Construction (8)

This post is full of similarities and thoughts. This sign telling us road work is ahead is so apt in many areas of our lives. All the men and women working on our road have worked together to make this project happen. Often we need more than ourselves to finish something we might think is daunting. I hope to remember this as I wander my way through the next days, weeks, months, and years. 
This was fun to watch. One of the pipes needed moved and this machine, with the help of some spotters, did the job. 

Once it was moved, welders moved in to do their job. 

 Once done, it was marked with a tape. It still needed inspected.
One of the things that completely amazed me were the birds. The machines make a great deal of noise and, yet, nothing seems to bother these guys much at all! 
I am a bit concerned about this spot of trees, though. On Monday the pipe will be laid to rest near them and in one of these prickly tall trees is a robin on a nest. I'm hoping she doesn't have any eggs in there or they are going to get scrambled! 

 Later in the afternoon, I was told this pipe would be put down and it would be easier to me to watch from the road. I did and am very glad I was given the opportunity. All of these workers had a part to play and I got to watch!

 This is one of those other pieces used to help move pipe. This, I believe, is called a roller. It rolls on the pipe as the pipe is put down- The two rigs worked in tandem to do this job. However, the edge of the bank is sand (remember back to posts when mom had her septic system replaced?) and they needed to call in 'the little brother'.

 The smaller tractor came in and lifted with a smaller strap and the day was saved! (ok, it wasn't that dramatic, but I read a lot of children books.)

Monday, this area will be dug into and pipe will be set across this road and on past mom's. They will need to be careful because mom's phone line is in the way. They go under lots of things, so I'm not one bit concerned. 

I know there are 8 posts now about the pipeline road. I'm going to try to link them all in this one. 
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven
Do know there may be more in these updates than just the Pipeline! There will be birds and Oregon and more than likely, me. (yikes!)

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