Monday, December 07, 2020

Optical Indigestion

In one of my favorite Alaskan stories, a visiting character to the state of Alaska said during a trip up the Inside Passage that he had 'optical indigestion.' I've never done that trip, but I can see it might fit almost anywhere up north. 
This is a mom and a calf close to the old Lamplight Bar Mrs. Mika used to own. I didn't get  a good photo of the calf. It was kind of annoyed with the hackles up! 

A friend and her husband and brother arrived to get a work bench from the shop. Dad would be glad to have it go to someone who really could use it. 
When my friend, Julie B, arrived from ANC to help me, we came upstairs to find another pair of moose in the yard! Right outside the window. 

It was neat to see them swim the lake. That isn't something you get to see very often. Even if you live on a lake! Bulls will swim it, but calves are a bit more nervous. They went across and were scared back to 'our' side by dogs at the neighbor's house. 

 Fall was so beautiful this year. The colors of red aren't as prevalent as gold, but they combined to create stunning tapestries of autumn. 

Dad had a hat in the garage and in it was a tall white feather. Probably eagle, not sure. I left it under the trees with the colorful leaves. 

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