Wednesday, December 23, 2020

On the Bunny Trail

 The flowers are just because they are were so very pretty blooming inside, just before Thanksgiving. 

Jon worked very hard building cages for the new rabbits he was purchasing from a farm in La Pine, OR. The owner had raised her rabbits in a burrow method and most of them had escaped and been recaptured and consequently, butchered before the Dec deadline. She saved out some of the little ones for Jon. He was going to get two does and a buck. But, they needed places to live. Jon reused lumber, purchased more, bought the cage materials and made a place to shelter three cages. The cages can lift up and out, if you really want to! He was going to move the new buck into Granite's cage and have the ladies all in a row. 

We took a family road trip to La Pine, Or  and stopped on the way back for a family photo. It was taken by a  convenient rock off the side of the road. 
The farm, Far Away, I think, was a small family farm. The owner was raising a lot of different critters. We met a tom, who was slated for a Christmas dinner, and the hen, who was adorable!! They were outside the pen where the Chinchilla rabbits were living with a cute small pig and a flock of chickens. There was also a good sized shed in the pen for the critters to roost or rest in. Watching the capture of the three young bunnies was loud and a bit exciting!!! Chickens and rabbits running around the enclosure with two grown ups trying to grab bunnies on frozen ground. Jon didn't do much running, but he did manage to grab one with the blue tail. The boys had painted blue tails and the girls had pink ones. 

It was a lovely day with a stunning sunset. The blue sky went on as far as the flat acres of farmland. It was odd seeing mountains poke up here and there! 

(Jon took the tree photo)

Four rabbits at the Hansell house. Onyx, the buck. 
Slate and Quartz, the two girls. Slate is the smallest one, but she's been gaining weight quickly. We surmise she may have been the runt and being fed with no competition has been good for her. 
And the oldest bunny, Granite. 
Unfortunately, Jon later discovered that Onyx was actually a doe. So, his small bunny endeavor still needs a buck! 

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