The Eyrie is very crowded and T isn't even in it yet! Perhaps the better phrase is 'cozy'. LOL. Foggy today and not very inspired. Might make some cookies, but have to wash dishes first. I can't wait til the dishwasher gets hooked up. It has been put on the back burner for months! Thinking about adding another cabinet bit with drawers. One of my kitchen cabinet drawer things has the best storage ever. I'd like another one if we can find it. They are really deep and have like a wire screen like stuff on the top of them. I will photograph it and show you.
You know, chatting to ones self on this venue is kinda fun. You never really know who visits and so you just assume you are talking to the vastness of space. Then, someone out of the blue, mentions your blogspot and you realise that people do read your fingerpecks. I will try to make this more interesting and not so journalistic!
Sincerely, Kazul. (then again, for interesting, just read about Paul and Kanga's adventures in the desert...or Jake's with her family-she always posts photos of food and yarn!...or Mrs. Henderson's. Choir cut ups are lots of fun!..Noelle's are interesting, but she often has skips in her notes!!!!)