Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It was spring.

We have had some pretty days and some not so nice at all days. Today is one of the latter. On a sunnier day, Grandpa got out some wheels and did a bit of work. Looking good!

We also got to go up on the Umatilla River on Saturday (see last post). Very pretty area and J climbed a hill. We saw a perfect house up there, but S doesn't want to live 30 min from a town anymore. I don't think I would mind much.

Not doing too much else. Mostly reading home improvement magazines in hopes of a home that needs improving! Some of those improvements are a bit much, though! Speaking of magazines, I found one in a dr office with the most amazing prices for kid clothes. I don't recall the name of the magazine, but two in this article were twinkle living and anthropologie.com and had stuff like a popcorn handknit throw for $265 and a baby beanie for $88 (that one was from a different company!). It amused me that someone would put a hat on a baby that cost $88. It was obviously not a magazine for the middle class group. They also had an article about where to take your kids when you visit France with your family.
C'est le vie!

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