Thursday, July 19, 2007

He's gone, except in Pix.

Well, we took T to Portland with a dear friend. I was glad she was there. We went to Wunderland Arcade/Avalon Theatre. I had forgotten about that cool Portland spot. We wanted to see a movie, but missed most of them as we had to get T back to the hotel by 10pm. After we dropped him off, I was pretty sad most of the way home and then when we landed in North Plains the Oregon Ambassador's people had come home (See Mrs. Henderson's page) and N was there!!!!! I turned into a watering pot when I hugged him. (A small watering pot). So, then S got me a snack and I felt better. Food and tears. It helped a bit, but it still feels odd. J said it was very wierd because when he got up, T's door was open and it is NEVER open. I am washing clothes and bedding and stuff from his room. (Major work!). No wonder he left home!! We wern't able to do the cell phone thing. We just aren't educated enough in technology. We gave him a calling card, but it is a hassle to use. I only hope he tries anyway. I still want to send him a phone! I gave him some stamps, maybe he'll write. (B does, but we know where he is!)

I have a T spaced hole in my heart. Dean preached about a God spaced hole and how only God can fill it. Only T can fill this one. >sigh<> OK, this blog says it may not post. We'll keep trying!

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