Wednesday, December 19, 2007


OK, I finally got a hold of the Dr's office. They called the Athena number today, even though I specifically gave them my new number on Monday. At any rate, it appears that the MRI I had done showed that things were completely normal. But, I still can't see properly. They want to have me come back in two weeks. I am so annoyed. We spent lots of monies for something I could have just dealt with on my I have been!
I know, J always tells me a fiddle only has one stick, but what if you have a spare? I am working on a also takes sticks. I am making the snowman kit that I made for our fair. (I don't think I took a photo of that ribbon winner) Only, I am doing 3. I will deliver them on Friday. I have had to purchase stuff to create them, as I left some items I needed in Athena. You know, paint, paintbrushes, needles, thread, mini cutting tool, and so on. On the other hand, I probably couldn't find them anyway! It has been fun, even if I can't see as well as I would like. I think it gives them a lopsided look of authenticity!
T is out with friends. (See Prom post) He was kidnapped by the three and they are out playing. They might have picked up more peoples. I don't know. I kind of hoped he would come back to change from his ACU's into play clothes and then I could see the friends. But, they haven't yet. Besides, ACU's are sturdier than most play clothes.
Book of the day: How can the heart forget Emilie Loring and Starship Troopers by Heinlein. I wanted to re-read The Golden Compass, but mine is packed somewhere and all the library copies are checked out.


aksunflour said...

ACU's? Play clothes? Work clothes, school clothes, church clothes, grubbies.... Geesh where did you go to school?

Sorry to hear about the "news".

aksunflour said...

Christmas box w/cookies is in the mail! Sent it out Friday