Saturday, December 29, 2007

We'll see

It appears that we now have the internet. It has only been a few hours since it was hooked up and it is very spotty. However, it seems to work fairly ok.
Here are some photos of T's visit home in November and a few friends and some other stuff.

Moses fell asleep between the blankets I was using for my bed when I we had moved almost everything.

We got back to Athena and it had snowed. J made a horned snowman using the antlers from the deer he shot this year!

T came back for December and he and some of his friends were taken (somewhat unwillingly) to a fancy tea spot called La Tea Dah in Tillamook.

Once in Athena again, we hung out and then eventually had Christmas. T got some more models, J got some music from Nana, and Grandma and Grandpa H got a fisherbird made from a shovel and spatulas and a shoe stretcher!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


OK, I finally got a hold of the Dr's office. They called the Athena number today, even though I specifically gave them my new number on Monday. At any rate, it appears that the MRI I had done showed that things were completely normal. But, I still can't see properly. They want to have me come back in two weeks. I am so annoyed. We spent lots of monies for something I could have just dealt with on my I have been!
I know, J always tells me a fiddle only has one stick, but what if you have a spare? I am working on a also takes sticks. I am making the snowman kit that I made for our fair. (I don't think I took a photo of that ribbon winner) Only, I am doing 3. I will deliver them on Friday. I have had to purchase stuff to create them, as I left some items I needed in Athena. You know, paint, paintbrushes, needles, thread, mini cutting tool, and so on. On the other hand, I probably couldn't find them anyway! It has been fun, even if I can't see as well as I would like. I think it gives them a lopsided look of authenticity!
T is out with friends. (See Prom post) He was kidnapped by the three and they are out playing. They might have picked up more peoples. I don't know. I kind of hoped he would come back to change from his ACU's into play clothes and then I could see the friends. But, they haven't yet. Besides, ACU's are sturdier than most play clothes.
Book of the day: How can the heart forget Emilie Loring and Starship Troopers by Heinlein. I wanted to re-read The Golden Compass, but mine is packed somewhere and all the library copies are checked out.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday in Tillamook

Well, the THS concert last night was fun. Jazz band was a little off, the rest went pretty well. Also got to visit the creamery today and listened to the THS VEnsemble. They are fun to listen to. And I got to hold sweaters and purses and even a phone! I felt like I belonged again!
Just for Jake, the Cry of the Icemark by Eric Hill (I believe) is an excellant book. It is a great story of coming of age and change and just plain fun characters.
Looking at some modular sticklike houses. Not that much in Athena right now. The one we really wanted got snatched up by the new policeman..their house in a previous town burned down and they have small kids. Ours, here, still hasn't officially closed.
That's all for now.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


T and I are back on the Oregon Coast. It is so different here. T was disgusted that he had to unpack his cold weather gear when he got to his grandparent's house. It was 28 there. Above, not below, but much colder than Tillamook.
I have some photos, but need to ask the people we are staying wiht how to get them through their computer onto the net. They have many filters and protectives. They are a good idea, though.
At any rate, J's snowman was still up when we got there--it is bashed into ice lumps now. I tried to get some holiday photos of Moses--not an easy task. The Christmas flowers were fake and had been on a cake iced with whipped topping stuff. He tried to eat them from where I had arranged them on a sock. T did some projects and I did a few things also.
Am reading the last Potter book again. Icemark is better!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Good grief.

We are in Tillamook least, T and I are. It is awesome to be with him and see him and have him around somewhat. (He is with his friends a great deal already!) S and J drove back to Athena and I already miss them.
While in Portland S and I joined the modern era and got ourselves cell phones. A very scary purchase, but somewhat neccessary. I have learned how to take photos, one friend helped me do a voice dial thing, another friend showed me how to add people and stuff, and it seems like it will be more fun than not. So, that is what we got for Christmas! I did get Steve's parents a Christmas if I can only find ours!
I am pretty tired, but I am doing lots of projects this week. I need to finish a few of them so I can start more. I am turning over a new leaf. I aim to finish things before starting others. Books, not included!!!!!
Book of the day: Alas, Babylon and Cry of the Icemark

Monday, December 03, 2007

More news

It is now Monday the first one in December and it is icky out. Very windy and wet and not lots of fun to walk in. I hear it is ickier in Tillamook, though. So, I am glad we are here.
S got our computer up and running, but we still are not on the internet. I will see if I can post pictures next week from our friends house. They are pretty fun, but then again, T will be home next week and everyone down here will get to see him!
I have a spot of eye trouble, it appears that for some reason I have lost vision in one eye. Not sure why, but there you have it. I visit a dr tomorrow to see if the specialist has any idea what is up. It is a very interesting perspective on the world.
Other than that, not much is going on. Thinking of everyone and getting ready to find the stuff to get our Christmas cards out!