Tuesday, September 03, 2019


This bird exists, is unusual, and incredibly camouflaged for being popular as a previously hunted game bird. Today, it is hunted as part of a game. Many people don't realise this bird is real. During Boy Scouts, Tony tried to convince one of his scouting friends it was. It didn't matter, the younger woodsy soul insisted on taking new scouts out for jaunts in the Tillamook forest seeking a made up creature. On the All About Birds site I learned some very cool things about these little guys. Not only are their eyes set so far back they can almost see in back of their head, they have amazing long bills which have flexible tips. I spent a very long time up here in Alaska hearing an odd noise during night hours I could not identify. Finally, one spring morning, I discovered the noise in flight during daylight and after more detective work, discovered what it was. It was the snipe making a winnowing noise with the tail. Odd, but true! I wasn't sure I'd get to see one up close, they are fast little guys!! However, I did!

One afternoon, in late August, I went to look at the lake after getting back from town. No reason, I just did. I spied a really odd looking bird on shore and grabbed my camera. I took dozens of photos of this not a piper, quietly sneaking down the bank. I even snapped photos while it was bathing! Unfortunately, I think I got too close. It hopped up on the pallet, over the other side, and vanished. I was incredibly thankful to see it for as long as I did. I grabbed my bird app and book and was surprised. I was accidentally on a real snipe hunt with a lens and camera chip. I hope you enjoy looking at this fun small brown streaked bird with the super long bill and fairly long legs  known as a Wilson's Snipe.

It is always a thrill for me to discover an identity of a bird. Even more so when it is one I've wondered about and wanted to see for years! I'd probably have good luck actually going out where they tend to hang, but I think I am doing ok here in North Kenai at the house. 

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