Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Winter Claws

Mom and I thoroughly enjoyed the winter awning we had. Then, the claws appeared! 
 This is a fairly natural phenomena happens when winter combines with metal roofing. Jon, when I was telling him about these cool features, proceeded to explain exactly how they were formed. Or at least, it sounded plausible! There were distinct shades of Mr. Fairchild as he spoke...
The sunlight on the icicles reaching out to the house made them even more fun. 

 At the far end of the house, the icicles behaved themselves, for the most part. Hanging straight down, with very little curvature on their lengths. They were slipping out from under the awning.

At night, they were even more insistent about reaching out to touch the siding of the parsonage. 
They grew with the sun and hardened in the night. 
 After a while, some started to curve......

I had to remove some today. The ones hanging directly over the entry to the porch. When one of our friends stepped outside, I realised how close to her head they were. So, I broke them off and tossed them in the snow.  A couple of the more fantastic ones had became horns on the cyclops snow creature in the yard. 
I could sense someone crafting a frozen horror tale of  expanding winter fingers, creeping their way into houses and entering sleeping bodies with a cold, chill pointed death. Only to disappear in the morning sun. A tale of winter's last breath before the warmth of spring. If someone does write this, please let me know, I'd love to read it!!!

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