Thursday, October 22, 2015

An Orange Cat in Autumn

Moses is a very photogenic feline. These pictures would look much better as a slideshow, but he does fairly well in singles. 

 It was at this point in his fall bathing, he realised Maxwell was sleeping under a bush in the sunshine. Resenting this, Moses moved not so stealthily his direction, and appropriated Max's napping nook.
 Maxwell T. Silverstone, older than Moses and less obnoxious, wandered off to commune with a plastic cat figurine. Who was much more appreciative of the mature wisdom of Max and allowed  him to chew on the grasses growing nearby.
Max didn't like me butting in either. I tried to give him some catmint, but the sneaky shadow ran away from me and hid. Moses came and got the herbal treat. I guess Max is only going to accept me being back from Alaska as long as I am covered in polar fleece and providing a location to sleep.

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