Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mid May Flower Quest and Medieval Faire!

Hi all, our internet has been down..again. I have some photos here of a plant I cannot find in the books. Most likely because I don't know where to look. A bit like looking up a word in a dictionary when you can't spell it anyway! So, we seem to have an old fashioned garden. Lots of lilacs in purple and white, tulips that smell sensational, old fashioned roses, and a pretty pink bush that is in several places. However, this one is the one that is puzzling me at this time.

Here it is in groups of buds, in baby leaves (the purplish ones with the bird poo!!!!), in bud, and in partial flower. Now they are mostly all done blooming and look like fuzzy caterpillars! They also smell nice. Not as good as a lilac, but not too bad! The honey bees like them. If anyone knows what it might be, please let me know!!!
Steve also worked on a catapult and Jon a sword for the Medieval Faire we had at our church this weekend. Here they are in stages of before and after!
The Catapult:

The Sword:

The sword was used only for photographs and the catapult was used so much it was injured!
Jon was gone this weekend on a camping trip..we will post those photos after we get the disposable film developed! He found a bull snake!! EWWWW.


Mrs. Henderson said...

Hi, Kristen. I love your flower photos...and the moon shot - beautiful! In answer to your question, we took 9th out of 9. It wasn't our best showing, but we made it to State by golly. Next year our choir is going to work on facial and body expression. We got knocked down for that at District and State. I hope you're having a great Spring. I finally got my Sweet Peas planted..a month earlier than last year. :-) Thanks for leaving comments on the choir blog. --J

aksunflour said...

how about a hydrangea peegee? i googled white flowering shrubs and got this.
(though i realize yours is quite a bit bigger than the 6ft tall guidelines).