Saturday, November 28, 2020

Oregon Helpers-September

Steve and Jon arrived in the evening of  the first Saturday in September. They immediately went to work around the house and yard. 
Jon was intrigued with an aged welder dad had. He decided to fire it up and was rather impressed with how well it worked. Jon and Steve helped get things loaded that were sold and hauled stuff to the dump. 

Julie M-Ware was one of my staunchest helpers over the last years of taking care of mom and being north. She took several pieces of furniture, including mom's 'bell' cabinet. A glass cabinet that was probably purchased when I was in Junior High!  
Jon did some playing while he was at the house in North Kenai. He managed to get mom's old desktop running and the games on that were so much fun! Here he's playing one of the Sim games. Tumble Bugs was probably our favorite, though. 
We did get out a few times to the beaches. It wasn't exactly warm and it was generally after everything else was done! This day I hauled them off to Capt. Cook State Park. 
Mom had quite a few boxes and books of old mementos that smelled nasty with mildew. So, I took photos of the items instead of trying to keep them. They will comprise a whole post, I'm sure! 
The absolutely horrible car the guys rented in Anchorage. Steve had to fix it before it could even drive back to be returned!!! We didn't use it while it was on the Peninsula. 

One of the days was a stunning warm extremely low tide day. So, we went to the Kenai beach for an hour or so. Jon took some really neat photos, but oddly, I've not gotten those yet!! People were barefoot (even I did that after a while!), there were jelly fish, fascinating blobs of clay and pebbles, and cool looking rocks. 

A little who was fascinated by the neat things out and about on the beach. 

Jon spent a lot of time on the water. He took out an absolutely mouse ridden boat from the shop and hauled it out for a last float. After a few days, it did start to get water logged and sink, but it was good to see it out on the water. The little craft, from a distance, looked a bit like the small boat Cary Grant captained in 'Father Goose'. Up close, it was more USS Rodent! 

Spotty photo of Redoubt the Saturday they left. It was sort of funny. We had had a yard sale on Friday and a part of Saturday. Jon had wanted to see moose, but only got a glimpse of some through the trees in the yard. We stopped the sale in the afternoon, the guys left prior to the ending, and while I was outside eating lunch, a mom and calf walked right past the garage! In fact, I saw more moose that day than I'd seen most of the summer! 

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