Thursday, December 21, 2017

Snow and Birds!

The snow from earlier this month is mostly gone, thankfully we got a bit more. Not nearly enough, but some. The temps as we walk into the Winter Solstice here in North Kenai are about the same as Athena's. It is 22 with a real feel of 11. Needless to say, it is cold out there!!! Yesterday (Wednesday), I went out to get the paper (which was on the ground!!) and played with the birds. 

 I was only able to get one chickadee to land in my hand. I got pretty chilled waiting for the birds to decide I was ok. They also had another full feeder behind me and some seeds on the ground, so they did have other options!

I was fascinated by the woodpeckers above me. The smaller kind, I think they are Downy, were flitting all over the place! 
 They were moving almost as fast as the chickadees. Photos of trees and branches are pretty common when trying to photograph birds.

 This is a cool shot, the birds were fluffing the snow off the branches!
 Am not entirely sure what they were doing with the frozen branch after the snow was brushed off, but they seemed pretty busy!

I wanted to spend more time outside, but I weenied out. It took ages for my fingers to thaw once I got back to my basement abode!

1 comment:

Celia Rhodes said...

You're right, K, those are Downy woodpeckers! We have an abundance of them here, too, but I never tire of seeing them. Christmas blessings to you and yours, my friend!