Sunday, December 27, 2015

There was a jiggling in the Force.....

No spoilers. Just jell-o. I got a Star Wars jiggler mold for Steve on his birthday (he was 51, what else do you give someone that age?) and finally used it this month. Which makes sense, right? 

When all the jigglers were together in the blue glass pie pan, it was hard to discern who the characters were. From top to bottom we have: Darth Vader, Chewie (and it appears he was....), R2 and C3PO, Yoda, and a Storm Trooper. (did you get them right?)
As for this new movie? Well, tears dripped down my face several times. Not during the times you might expect, though. The opening scene of words and theme music really got to me and the last scene on the hilltop made me sniff, too. If you have seen the middle movies(the only really good ones, if you watch them un-altered), you won't need to follow the lines in this one. I think they cribbed most of their dialogue from those classics. Which made me laugh a great deal (I may have annoyed a few people). All in all, I have to agree with Tony. It was extremely satisfying..and it wasn't even a Snicker's Bar. 

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