When you cast your bread upon the waters, it is supposed to come back to you. I always thought this was a strange proverb. Living on the ocean, seeing the bread come back is disgusting. However, this parable (in a nutshell) means what you give, you will receive in abundance. The reflections of the blessings people this summer have given will be returned in diamonds and roses.
Because of those connections that exist (you know the Kevin Bacon kind, well, this is the North Kenai kind!), we were able to get the huge containers in mom's yard emptied. My sister works at the pool. A friend from HS came to the pool with her mom. My sister mentioned what was going on. My friend, Connie, found some missionaries from her church (and some younger kids and their dad) who volunteered their time.
Then, from mom's church we got Bob. He is an incredible asset in so many many ways!!!
And Randall Pippin, Alaskan Toyman, also was there. Rand is absolutely the best. He is very good at fixing almost any problem you may have in your house from siding to electricity to plumbing and more. He makes a delectable smoked salmon and wonderful wooden toys, as well. For some reason, kids adore him.
The hard working guys from Mizera's filled the containers and due to complications, they could not come back to empty them. The basement isn't quite done, but Rand (who will put in the heaters when they get to the house) made sure the perimeter around the stuff was adequate.
Then, Barry Wheeler's son (yea....I felt very old!!) came out to get the containers. Their vacancy left a bit of a depression in the yard. So, today, Scott Tollof came out to smooth things down. It was a wonderful end to a rather tumultuous summer!
Now, when mom comes in the drive at night, a light on the garage pops on and the driveway looks like a normal house!!