Saturday, March 07, 2009

In like a Lamb/Lion?

So, what is your verdict? I was thinking it was a bit more lamb like and then we got snow! It was a very big surprise, but it did make the flowers stand out better!

I like seeing how these brave yellow pieces of the sun show up in the most unlikely places. In Tillamook I have photos of them shining forth, covered in snow. And then there is my favorite memory picture from after a flood and there were bright spots of color reflecting in the muddy water just inches below the bloom. They are spring. So, it is on the slow as it seems over here in the NW.

Also was able to get a couple of fun cat photos. They held their wrestling move long enough for one shot, but not two! the little paper ball is one of Moses toys, but they were wrestling because Moses jumped Maxwell. He does that often.

We spent today traveling to a place near La Grande. I had gone up that direction last spring with Karen H and it was a lot different. Now there is snow and it was really cold. We got to go to a gun show and saw some friends. For me, that was the VERY best part, seeing Donnie and Noelle, I mean. We spent time with them eating at a fun restaurant and it was wonderful. (They were in Baker for a basket ball tourney. ) We have photos of Steve and Jon with the new loot. However, as Steve had changed and his shirt was dirty, I will not post the photos here for anyone to see. Those who are interested can email me, if I don't email you first! And I will send the pictures to everyone..Not ANYONE, but everyone!!! (A semantic distinction.) Below is Tony's newest toy. I do not know what it is other than a german something or other. And there you go.
Reading some new Mercedes Lackey books!


aksunflour said...

we are getting snow too. enjoy your weekend. i would :)

Mrs. Henderson said...

Hi, Kristen. Thanks for your comments on the choir blog. It always makes me feel good to know you're keeping track of our activities. I'll be ready for Spring Break. Our Choir Concert on Monday, the Band Concert on Tuesday and COWAPA Choir Festival on Wednesday. I hope you're doing well. Give a big "hey" to your boys. God bless you and your family. --J