Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sheet Rock!

This is a photo op of the work done and the youngest daughter of the owner. Isn't she cute??? She is on a ladder and is in HS in Helix.

This first one is from the living room...I think I need a new camera. The second one is the living room, on the end.

Here is the dining room with our new door (kitchen cabinets are still installed as it would have taken a lot to take them out) and the next one is in the kitchen looking to the laundry room.
This is the chimney area where the bar and counter will go.
Pretty nifty, huh????? I would post more blogs on what else we all did this weekend, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about later this week! So, in the next installment....DEMOLITION!
Still reading Anne books. It is a long series!

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