Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Demolish it~

OK, here are photos of the demo work on our back porch. I am not sure if we have a before photo of it, but here is the during!

Hmmmm, I thought I took more. I am standing in the doorway to the someday hall and the window next to me will be the bedroom door. The white part jutting out into nowhere is the old linen closet and the white door near the air conditioner is J's closet. We will take out the AC and put our bathroom linen closet there. You can also see the old siding and colors.

My patchwork rug that I got for free and pieced together. One side of the room will have 4 feet of linoleum for the train table. I know it is badly done, but it was my first carpet!

And some of my garden areas. I rather like the white flowers, I hope I saved a tag so I can get some more next year!!
This first one has some debris from the junk around Grandpa's. They look pretty nice, huh? The one with legs is holding a fountain and the sunflower in the blue pot was volunteer. The yellow flower was made on the Trask and if you look close there is exactly ONE cosmos that grew from all the seeds I planted. In the far right corner, you might be able to see my ONE nasturtium that came up. I planted the ones in the white box because I love nasturiums. On the other end of the garden I discovered 3 tiny sweet peas..I am not having much luck with Sweet Peas.
Reading Anne and The Fairy Godmother.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sheet Rock!

This is a photo op of the work done and the youngest daughter of the owner. Isn't she cute??? She is on a ladder and is in HS in Helix.

This first one is from the living room...I think I need a new camera. The second one is the living room, on the end.

Here is the dining room with our new door (kitchen cabinets are still installed as it would have taken a lot to take them out) and the next one is in the kitchen looking to the laundry room.
This is the chimney area where the bar and counter will go.
Pretty nifty, huh????? I would post more blogs on what else we all did this weekend, but then I wouldn't have anything to write about later this week! So, in the next installment....DEMOLITION!
Still reading Anne books. It is a long series!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Working on the house

I forgot the camera so I wasn't able to get pix of what S has done this weekend. Which is a ton. The next shots will be of the done work..with the sheetrock on it. Here is the rather messy kitchen.

This is the sink by the window again and above the door to the laundry room. S has to 'fix' it all for the sheet rock to go around properly. Very frustrating. The last one is the new doorway to the dining rom. Tonight he worked on rewiring the kitchen.

And here is the light switch I made. J smashed the shells and drew the tops, I glued and colored it all in.
Reading the Anne books. Also melting. It has been very hot here. But, it is hotter in Iraq! If I keep telling myself that, it helps make it more bearable! Right now it is 97 degrees and 11 pm.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sheet rock guys are coming!!!!!

We thought that they would be here at the end of October, but they had a change of plans and can arrive tomorrow!!! So, we have been really busy getting ready for them. We have to remove trim and lights and make a wall..busy, busy, busy!! Here are the rooms that we are preparing. The living room, the dining room, and the kitchen.

And see what we have in our backyard?????

Isn't it pretty?? The only bad thing is that I sneeze during the harvest and it has been a long harvest!
Just finished Cry of the Icemark again..a good read for a hot summer. Not sure what to pick up next. Can't do too much on the house while the sheetrock guys are there. I'm making J a light switch is pretty J-ish!

Friday, August 01, 2008

T sent photos!!!

He has 3 on his myspace page, but I stole this one!!!!! He also called and is sounding good, just like he looks.