Thursday, August 06, 2020

A beautiful Wednesday- Moose edition!

Piffle. Dadburn new blogger program. This is supposed to be a moose, as you can tell, it is not. This is a photo of what I saw while photographing wildlife. It was taken first, but should be at the end of the post. I am having trouble figuring out how to remove a photo or move it--so, this nest is now instead of last. It was odd, I was watching the woods and saw white fluttering with birds. I couldn't tell what it was until I photographed it. I was VERY surprised, also glad it was empty! 
THIS is the moose post!!! When I was making the bed, I noticed moose out the window near the end of the drive. So, I grabbed my camera. I've not seen moose in not evening light yet this summer. There were two. A mom and a calf, the calf seems smaller than it should be. In August, babies are still small, but it is like this one was born later in spring. Odd. Mom wandered off to one side of the drive and the calf went to the other side. I was supposed to leave to do errands, but wasn't sure if I could! The car wasn't close to the house and I did not want to get in between the mom and her kid!
 Someone screamed by on the Pipeline on an ATV with their dog hot footing it as fast as possible nearby. Mom was NOT impressed. She dashed out into the drive to look for her young one, who came dashing back to meet her! 

They went off into the woods and I thought that would be the last I'd see of them. It wasn't. They were in the yard later in the afternoon. 
I didn't see the calf again, but mom was keeping an eye on me. I was outside with a book and heard noise. Yup, this gal was right outside of the mowed areas full of tall clover. There were a lot of people out and about on the road, so the pair kept nearby. When I was playing with the birds, I often heard snuffling sounds. I didn't see much of them after I took these photos, but I knew they were there!

 I was going to add more words between pictures, but blogger is highlighting them all and it isn't what I wanted them to do!

 I also saw one of them Thursday morning, but haven't spied them nearer than the end of the driveway. I think mom was eating daisies. She had a white spot on the side of her jaw! 

A beautiful Wednesday! For the Birds, post-

Blogger has forced users to use their new blogger plan. It has many issues, for the blogger, so I hope it is ok for a viewer! This post is from Wednesday afternoon on August 6, 2020. It was stunning and HOT and the little birds were intent on foraging for seeds. I tried to get pictures of them in their natural habitat, but it appears the preferred habitat was somewhere with black sunflower seeds! 
They were very ok with feeding from the palm of my hand and some even slid under my arm and hand that were draped on the bird feeder to get seeds still in the feeder! Since my arm was getting tired of being held in the air, the hanging feeder was a lovely place to drape the weak appendage! 
This one actually hopped all over my hand to find the right seed. The photos at the very bottom are a part of this set of pictures, but I couldn't figure out how to move them! 
This little guy was a MESS! I got a closer photo when it landed on the coated wire of the feeder, but it was too close and was really blurry. It is hard to focus a camera when the subject has wings and is liable to fly off in a second. I think the yellow all over the chest and beak was pollen. I'm not sure from where, but it was obvious this guy needed cleaning! 
I had one land on my shoulder the other day and this Wednesday one landed on my HEAD! Since they were being so tame, I wondered if they'd feed from my shoulder and this one did!!!! Their little claws didn't hurt at all, I was surprised. 

I will probably have more to share, it is so much fun to be able to feed these tiny friends from my hand!! Since they are getting so used to me, they are much braver. Even the voles aren't afraid of me and I opted to go inside when the one who lives in the wood pile ran over my sandal shod foot!! 

Saturday, August 01, 2020

Last week of July 2020 in the north-

Sunday, July 26 was lovely. You could tell people were visiting the inlet by the trash I picked up. I didn't pick up as much as I could have, but I picked up a bag full. 

 I enjoy seeing the fun shapes in driftwood and stuff tossed up on shore. I found a log that looked quite a bit like a pug, but none of the photos I took showed what I saw!
 It was so incredibly warm, littles were playing in the water. That doesn't happen all that often on the inlet. Especially during fishing season. The man on shore was seeking halibut and I saw quite a few salmon splashing around and being caught on the nets set out.

 I'm not sure, but it looks almost like there is more snow than there was a few weeks ago. I'm not entirely surprised. We've had a lot of rain on this side of the inlet, so I can imagine it wasn't just rain over there!
 This is the moose that swam the lake. When I saw it, I wondered what the neighbor's dog was doing. Then, I realised it wasn't a dog and just a moose in neck deep water. It was moose paddling super fast, so my 2 photos were terribly blurred.
 This lovely Green Comma Butterfly landed on me for a second as I left the house on Monday. It overwinters as an adult and is considered uncommon, probably cuz it is hard to see and fast. It has green spots on it, somewhere...

 Our fireweed is blooming fast, it is more than halfway to the top this week.
The hilarious squirrel I watched. After it extracted all the seeds it could from this feeder, it opted for a mushroom entree. I'm anticipating it had a nap when it finished it's meal! 

 I didn't take many photos of the chickadees who visited me. They weren't fond of the shutter movements. I really wanted to try to take one of the bird on my shoulder (and yes, I hummed Zippity do dah!!). The lady grosbeak wasn't near me long enough, but she'd not have stuck around for a picture, anyway!

 I love how friendly the birds are here. Today it has been raining, or I'd go out and see who I could attract. The neighbors' are also shooting and there isn't much nearby! The little wings on the golden eye are  much too tiny still, but they can still run across the water when necessary! They scampered from the middle of the lake to the weeds on this side, lickety split!