On Christmas Eve we got some snow that didn't really last very long. However, a few days later we got MORE and then the temps dropped. So, this stuff is gonna stay for a bit longer. Which makes this Alaskan gal VERY happy! I took a couple of night photos after the snow stopped falling, Jon said they were not too bad, but am only sharing one. Then, I took some more pictures in the daytime before I let Jon have the camera.
Ice on my red rosebush near the house~
It was around 4 pm, so I decided to turn on the Christmas lights and see how they would look in the mostly day time. It was also about this time I sent Jonathan out with my camera~
One of the lights on the fence behind the honeysuckle bush in the corner of the yard. It appears orange lights show up best during the later afternoon.
Looking down the yard from the wishing well to the bridge/pond near the little house.Jon loves old metal and these always look good no matter what time of year they are photographed. I do need to straighten them up next spring since they are starting to fall over.
This is on the right side of the garden near the alley. I had sent Jon out with a broom because this tree that is practically bent over with snow weight needed rescued. He also brushed off the satellite dish--not something I asked him to do! The tree in front is the peach tree, then the fallen tree (which I can't remember the name of right now) and the big bushy tree is our white lilac. There is a stake, that used to hold up the fallen tree, but it was felt the tree was strong enough to hold on by itself. Am pretty sure the stake will come back into use.
Scooter looks a bit droopy under the snow! I guess dragonflies prefer sunshine.
At the edge of my 'private' garden spot is this hemlock. I wasn't sure it looked very healthy last summer, but it appears to have pulled up and eventually this will take the place of the locust tree nearby. Jon was standing near the bridge when he took this photo looking back up the yard to the wishing well~