Sunday, January 03, 2010

The rest of the story

OK, here are two of Jon's jillion and one Christmas pictures. Gma and Gpa were bowling, then later Tony and Steve were trying to decide who was the best golfer.

We took Tony to the Pendleton Airport and Jon insisted on remaining camoflauged.

On the coast we stayed at an awesome place and entertained a great many friends. Three of the soldiers we love dearly are pictured here (Travis, Zach, & Christina). T just got back from deployment and Z leaves soon, while his wife, C, is off to finish boot! PHEW! I took a great many more pix of this time, but could not decide which ones were the 'best' ones to choose. Besides, it gives me a chance to do another blog!

In the airport we took pix with the Gov of Oregon. Of course, he was a bit stiff, but that is to be expected of a politician meeting so many kinds of people! I only hope he was not really that short.
Here is Tony's plane as it left PDX. We were sad, but thankfully Kym was there to help make things better. It always helps to have someone else there.
Waiting for Inkheart to show up at the Library and also Julie, Julia.

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