Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Moses, CFI-Cat Food Investigators

One day Moses decided his kibble was stale, which was making mealtimes rather boring. He also noticed that his two leggers had brought home some new stuff and left it sitting untended near the kitchen. Granted, it was not Purina or Friskies or even Meow Mix, but it was fresh kibble. Thus, this bright bag required a thorough investigation. The scent of the assorted flavors drove Moses crazy and he realised he just had to get inside to more fully experience the contents. Thankfully, God gave him 6 toes on each front foot, and he was able to scratch his way through the sealed edges. After several minutes he had managed to make a hole in it. He sniffed the delicious odor and tried to reach the treats. However, it was very hard to maneuver his whiskers through the tattered opening he'd made. Thankfully, the biggest male two legger finally fixed it. The two legger properly cut away the torn and shredded bits of paper and Moses was able to nibble the top shapes off a freshly broached bag. We finish this tale with a contentedly crunching feline who knows a good thing when its carted in from the car!

1 comment:

Carolyn aka Silkquilter said...

Came her via Susie's facebook. Very cute. There must be a whole league of CFI's out there. Mine do the same thing. LOL