Monday, September 15, 2008

more Round Up pix

Jake was nervous about the girls on the horses. So, here I have put my two photos together for her enjoyment...and the band members on horses (the entire band was riding!)....and last is one of the guys from the Umatilla Sheriff Dept with a tommy gun!!!!!! I was not able to get the Sasquatch. He was on a wagon with County Commish Bill Hansell. Seskie is also going on a tour to help celebrate Oregon being a state for 150 years and was interviewed, with Bill interpreting.

And that's it til I get the ice cream pix off of S's camera. Fun, fun, fun! More later!

1 comment:

aksunflour said...

Bumpkins loved the white pony. But thought the girls standing up were dangerous and when she gets bigger she can do that.

Is it my imagination or are the band members that are on the horses old?