Last Thursday we had a Scout Court of Honor. Jon will advance at the next one, he has to do one more campout to complete one of the ranks. I was kinda damp at this ceremony. I had been drinking one of those sugar free carbonated water drinks and I am ALWAYS careful when I open them..except once this evening and it literally exploded all over the table and myself. I was very thankful that my camera was put away and the liquid was sugar free. The funniest thing, as it happened I had two split second thoughts. The first was that I wish I could see it (like in a photo) and the second was 'it really does make a 'sploosh' sound!!!'
I also learned that even though my camera is good with batteries and I had spares, it is best to have spares that are not already dead. Thus, the camera was not working very well when I took the shots upstairs! I need to get good rechargable ones.
On Wednesday night, we found our water line that had been missing. This is for the UGS. When the addition was put on, the start to the system was dug up. Since it was getting to be spring, we thought it might be good to find it. Well, we did. It reminded us of Beverly Hill Billies, but alas there was no black gold, just muddy water. On the other hand, it was great to finally find it. Steve had dug out a great deal of dirt in the back yard and we were starting to despair!!! Now, of course, the hole will fill with water for a little while. One thing about rain over here, it never lasts long, but it dries up very fast!
And then, here is the school here. Well, outside of it anyway. I understand why they have two mascots, but really. In the grand scale of life, wouldn't the tiger wipe out the cute little scotty dog? (Ages ago two schools merged and when they became one they kept both mascots). Personally, I like the idea of a tiger in a kilt, but I might be the only one! If you look close you will see a metal scotty dog and the larger tiger. On their new reader board, though, there is a guy with bagpipes. He is a figure you see a lot of here.
OK, so much for random. Next on the agenda are dishes and laundry! LOL. Just finished reading Just Ella and Palace of Mirrors by Haddix. VERY good reads.