The entire reason I needed to go to the coast was for Tim and Angel's wedding on Sept 6. I had toyed with several ideas over the years on what I wanted to create for them and ended up with this container for whatever~Unfortunately, when I sprayed it with sealer, some of the color melted off. I only hope the design lasts at least til their first anniversary. Not happy.
These are the flowers Karla purchased. With the stipulation of 'No red' flowers. The poor guy creating the bouquet was a bit thrown by this wish and kept checking to see if the flowers he was adding were ok.These next 3 photos are of a kiwi plant. A fuzzy kiwi grown from one of those black seeds. As you can see, it really enjoys life in Tillamook and may end up needing a yard of its own! The stem is sturdy and the vines are covered in soft brown hairs.
This photo is Karla showing off some smooth skinned kiwi-these are in her backyard. Just over her fence is a GIANT kiwi plant the neighbor has. I didn't take any pics of what you can see of it from her yard, but it is immense. The one below has been trimmed back twice this year and still reaches the top of her rec room!
The wedding was at an beautiful place called Camp Turnaround and had a few trails, a small playground, a lovely area for a campfire, as well as an open area where the wedding took place. If you click the link, you will see more amenities of the venue. We were asked to not take photos, so I didn't. Well, I took a couple (the ones of Sean, Odger, and Bob in my FB album) and this mermaid, who was in the middle of a small pond.
On Sunday, Nicole wanted to hike the kids to the top of Multnomah Falls. I opted to remain at the bottom cuz I am a weenie. :o) I found some very pretty spots to imagine in. This pathway was inside a tree.
There were a LOT of people at the falls and I did go up and cross the bridge. It was a bit intimidating since it was full of people. I took this picture to try and get one void of spectators!
The falls snack bar has yummy nuts. I decided to purchase the cinnamon glazed cashews.
Here is a fairly good shot of the top of the falls-if you look close you can see a fence up on the edge where people can look at the water shooting down the cliff. I'm going to do this someday. Probably. I think...
This picture I took cuz from where I was sitting on a rock railing, it looked as if there was a face up there! You can see it if you just glance at it. There are two eyes and a big beard with the mouth and nose. I think the guy has a hat on....
I love fall flowers. There were mats of these strawberry vines and clumps of the white ferny flowers. Which I cannot for the life of me remember at the moment!
It was a GREAT short trip and I so do want to make sure Nicole and Karla know how awesome they were to let me in on their lives for the weekend!