Friday, March 14, 2008

Pictoral Notes

J's puzzle project. Grandpa's first fish of the year!

What S does when he is unemployed!!

J on Jo's old bike J riding in the field--look close!

It appears we have the internet again. It is pretty great..but we can't get the camera and the computer to 'talk' now and so are unable to download the photos from one to the other. One of new connections seems to be in the same place and creating difficulties.

It has been very springy here. I will have to go and get some of my favorite spring quotes! We have had wind, thunderstorms, lightening, hail, sun, rain, and assorted temps. Pretty interesting!

Book of the day: The Dark Hills Divide first in a series about the Land of the Elyon by Patrick Carman. Not sure how it is going to go, I am only in the first chapters. They are kid lit. J is reading the Andromeda Strain to S. Sort of carrying on in his brother's footsteps!

1 comment:

aksunflour said...

You guys look like Spring! I am so jealous! So tired of all the ice in our yard.

S looks very domesticated and J appears to be having a blast. Couldn't find him in the yard "improvements" picture though.